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Hong Kong Island Chinese: 香港島 is an island in the southern part of Hong Kong. It has a population of 1,289,500 and its population density is 16,390/km²,as of 2008.
The Central area on the island is the historical, political and economic centre of Hong Kong. The northern coast of the island forms the southern shore of the Victoria Harbour, which is largely responsible for the development of Hong Kong due to its deep waters for great berthing by large trade ships.
Hong Kong Island Full of Great Cuisuine and Secret Scenery
港島可謂是香港的政治和經濟中心,對新來香港定居的人來說,這裡的交通、工作、學校、夜生活和各項日常所需均是最方便齊全。受歡迎的地區包括半山區、灣仔和跑馬地,均非常接近中環蘇豪及城中不少著名米芝蓮星級餐廳;其他受追捧的港島住宅區包括物業價格一直飆升的渣甸山及山頂。您亦可選擇住在港島南區的低密度豪宅區淺水灣或赤柱,那邊有許多私人會所和沙灘,能感受不一樣的休閒的香港風格。 港島許多住宅區都擁有完善的交通接駁,包括港鐵、巴士和電車。香港島有多種不同的物業類型,山頂區大多是洋房和獨立屋;而其他港島區域普遍是高樓大廈。港島區的物價較其他三區高,因此整體的生活成本亦較高。
Noticeable Properties in Hong Kong Island
I been living in The Arch for 2 years. The great variety and versatility in Element Mall make my living there very enjoyable. Everything is in the within reach distance. I occasionally attend meeting in Shenzhen which could be easily accessed by using West Rail Direct Line to Shenzhen. このエリアをおすすめできます。
My family and I have been living in the Tsim Sha Tsui area for 10 years. As an expat to HK, I am running a restaurant in the same area and also the great Kowloon Park is always amazing. We enjoy cooking ourselves so we always go to the Market in Kwun Chung Street which everything is ready for cooking and with a competitive price tag.
I have been lived in Tokyo for 5 years and then started my EXPAT life here in Jordan Area's vintage building. I found everything is convenient and lovely. Neighbourhood is very friendly and international too. I got friends from Korea and Japan in the near by. Once a week on the Happy Friday, I will go get a drink in the SOHO area near Tsim Sha Tsui. .
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