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Central (also Central District; Chinese: 中環) is the central business district of Hong Kong. It is located in Central and Western District, on the north shore of Hong Kong Island, across Victoria Harbour from Tsim Sha Tsui, the southernmost point of Kowloon Peninsula. The area is symbolic as the heart of Victoria City, although that name is rarely used today.
As the central business district of Hong Kong, it is the area where many multinational financial services corporations have their headquarters. Consulates general and consulates of many countries are also located in this area, as is Government Hill, the site of the government headquarters. Certainly, the rent is also top of the world class right here in Central Area.
The area, with its proximity to Victoria Harbour, has served as the centre of trade and financial activities from the earliest days of the British colonial era in 1841, and continues to flourish and serve as the place of administration after the transfer of sovereignty to China in 1997.
中環(ちゅうかん、英: Central セントラル)は、香港中西区に位置する香港島北岸の一地域である。九龍半島の最南端尖沙咀から、ヴィクトリア・ハーバーを挟んだ向かい側に位置している。香港の中心商業地区であり、多くの多国籍金融機関の本部がある。また、多くの国の領事館がこの地域の政府山 (Government Hill) に集まっている。ヴィクトリア・ハーバーに近接していることから、1841年のイギリス植民地時代の当初から金融センターとしての役目を果たし、1997年の香港返還後は行政上の中心としての役目を担っている。中環は、香港において早くから栄えたヴィクトリア市の中心地であった。香港上海銀行本店(英語略記ではHSBC)、恒生銀行本店(HSBCグループの子会社、リテール部門が中心)などが所在しているほか、香港証券取引所も中環に所在する。
Noticeable Commercial Properties in Central
I been living in The Arch for 2 years. The great variety and versatility in Element Mall make my living there very enjoyable. Everything is in the within reach distance. I occasionally attend meeting in Shenzhen which could be easily accessed by using West Rail Direct Line to Shenzhen. このエリアをおすすめできます。
My family and I have been living in the Tsim Sha Tsui area for 10 years. As an expat to HK, I am running a restaurant in the same area and also the great Kowloon Park is always amazing. We enjoy cooking ourselves so we always go to the Market in Kwun Chung Street which everything is ready for cooking and with a competitive price tag.
I have been lived in Tokyo for 5 years and then started my EXPAT life here in Jordan Area's vintage building. I found everything is convenient and lovely. Neighbourhood is very friendly and international too. I got friends from Korea and Japan in the near by. Once a week on the Happy Friday, I will go get a drink in the SOHO area near Tsim Sha Tsui. .
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